Monday, August 25, 2008

Its been awhile since my last post and a lot has happened. I started the cycle touring portion of my trip on Aug. 13 and it has been going fairly well. I haven't had any mechanical failures and only a few minor hiccups with my gear. As for myself, my training is doing me quite well. Who would have thought that 2 months of eating and drinking heavily would leave me feeling so...tired. But, I've managed to average about 60km\day and I've seen some really amazing things which I will share with you when I get a chance. Over the past week and a half I've determined that cycling is definetly the best way to see Iceland. I've been lucky enough to have traveled by boat, bus and small aircraft and I've found cycling to be the most satisfying so far. But, I have also been luck enough to have had superb weather my opinion could easily change after a few days with a strong headwind and a little rain...

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